Pickup verfügbar, gewöhnlich fertig in 1 stunde
Via Torre 16
47814 Bellaria RN
D3 2001 Copper/Sand/Tan
The D3 series has proven to be one of the most popular and best selling skate shoes of all time. Since it’s introduction in 1999, the D3 family of designs has sold millions of pairs at retail. The D3 is a hallmark of Osiris’ imagination and creativity and was early proof of the brand’s ability to create and drive trends in the wider footwear market.
Per acquisti inferiori ai 100€ la spedizione ha un costo di 8€, mentre per acquisti superiori a questo importo, è totalmente gratuita.
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Ogni acquisto è protetto dalla garanzia soddisfatto o rimborsato di 14 giorni.